Saturday, August 11, 2007

Charge Conference 2007

Our Charge Conference is scheduled for November 5th, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.
The theme is Continuing to Grow as Healthy Congregations...
Following is the order for the event:
The Call to Worship

Come, Church, to the One who said, “I chose you.” That One is the Lord of the Church, Jesus Christ. Our Lord calls us to health to serve him and to grow as his body on earth. Let us remember God’s call to be a healthy community to serve him. Let us celebrate the ways God is making us healthier. Let us seek new ways to grow as healthy disciples of Jesus Christ.
A Song/Music about the Church, perhaps Hymn No. 545, Verses 1-2. Could be done a cappella or with accompaniment.

Opening Prayer

Testimony: A lay person shares a summary of how God has blessed and strengthened the church in the past year.

The Superintendent Convenes the Charge Conference:

Recording Secretary takes roll.

The Prayer of Confession: We confess that we have not been the church which you called us to be. At times we have been self-centered rather than centered in Christ. We have not practiced hospitality as a sign of God's presence and grace among those with whom we share life. We have allowed the world to form us rather than God's Spirit. We have continued in the comfortable means of ministry rather than pursuing risk-taking mission. Redeeming Lord, forgive us we pray and restore us to spiritual health that we might become the congregation that you, and you, alone, can bring into being. Amen.
A brief silence is kept.

The Pardon

The pastor offers a pardon concluding with:

In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

Glory to God! Amen.

The Scripture Lesson

The Sermon/Video

A Song/Music
, perhaps Hymn No. 545, Verses 3-4

The Offering

Our response to God, including our
1.) Talents. . .
Lay Leadership Report Lay Speaker Recommendations and Recommendations for Ordained Ministry

2.) (Voting with written ballots) All are presented and offered for approval.

3.) Service and Treasure. . . Apportionments are presented and discussed s service tying us to the larger Church and our mutual mission.
The Treasurer/Finance Chair reads the apportionments:

A healthy congregation seeks to use its resources to help others And to extend the ministries of Jesus Christ far beyond ourselves. We seek to be a healthy congregation through the ministries of The United Methodist Church. Therefore, we acknowledge that we are being asked to support that ministry in the following way:
Apportioned World Service/Conference Bene. _____________
Past Service Liability _____________
Episcopal Fund _____________
Africa University _____________
Black College Fund _____________
Interdenominational Cooperation _____________

3. Presence. . . The presence and service of a pastor(s) and their support. Clergy compensation is presented and approved. S/PPRC Chair reports:

We are thankful for the presence and ministry of our Pastor and make these statements of support for the health of our church:
Pastor’s Salary _____________
Pastor’s Travel _____________ (Paid by voucher: __yes, __ no)
Housing Allowance __________
Utilities ___________ (Paid by voucher __, yes; __ no)
Continuing Education _________

(Paid by voucher: __yes, __ no) Housing Allowance __________
1.) Reports of other clergy relating to the Charge Conference (Other than this local church’s clergy; may be written or oral.)

2.) Report of local church clergy focusing on what God is calling this congregation to do in the coming year as the pastor discerns it and what God is calling the congregation to do for greater health and service to the Lord. Clergy could speak to any efforts of their congregation to grow to greater spiritual health.
Other Business

The Great Thanksgiving Page 12 Variations on the Great Thanksgiving can be used depending on day and season.

Prayer of Thanks

The list of saints, those members who have died since the last charge conference could be read at this point if desired.
*Song or Hymn.
What about Hymn No. 545 again, Verses 1 and 5.

*The Blessing The Superintendent

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