Saturday, September 3, 2011

About the Creation of this Blog, and its Title...

I left this church in February 2011, and the original blog from which these posts were imported was dormant from January 1st, when I made my last post there. If you'll notice, it was nothing more than a New Year's announcement. Prior to that, I typically posted my sermon notes, or made announcements to the congregation who were internet savvy.

When I left the church to return to seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, I offered the original blog to the church powers that be, but no one took me up on my offer so - since I created it, and I maintained it, and I composed every single post there - I re-acquisitioned it by importing the original posts, and then I deleted the original blog; if they want to create a new one - good on them, as they say across the Big Pond.. I may well post thoughts about my past experiences at this church on this new blog since I'm planning on working on a book about my 14 years in the rural church, but I won't be posting anything that would be a breach of confidentiality.

I remain an ordained Elder in Full Connection in my denomination, and I may one day take a position as a staff member of a large city church, but I will never again pastor a small, family-dominated rural church. I did it for 14 years after nearly a decade as a Youth Minister, and I really don't think elaborating would be appropriate.

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