Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Notes from Mother's Day Sunday 2009

The Most Memorable Mothers in Scripture

10. Eve – The first mother; she shows us that God forgives, and restores…(after Cain killed Abel, God blessed Adam and Eve with Seth, accord. To Gen. 4.); Paul wasn't too fond of her in the eleventh chapter of II Corinthians, and the second chapter of I Timothy...
9. Sarah – the mother of Isaac; she shows us that God always keeps his promises, per Genesis 18:10)
8. Rebecca – she shows us that God understands the special love between a mother and her children; Gen. 27:6-14 – her craftiness in assuring Jacob would gain the birthright over Essau is never defined as sin in Scripture).
7. The unnamed mother of Moses – she shows us that God blesses the children of the faithful; Exodus 2:1-4.
6. The Egyptian mother of Moses – she shows us that God is no respecter of persons, and He is concerned with our hearts, not our deeds; Ex. 2:5-10.
5. Naomi – she shows us that agape love, love that is unconditional, is pleasing to God; Ruth 1:16-18.
4 . The unnamed widow of II Kings 4:1-37 – she shows us that God provides for the children of the faithful, and for the faithful as well (her oil was stretched, and God restored her dead son to life…after Elisha prayed over him; he’s the one who sneezed seven times after he came back to life).
3. The Syrophanecian woman of Mark 7:25-30 – she shows us that God is not a respecter of persons (a gentile who begged Jesus to heal her daughter, and reminded him that even dogs get scraps from the table).
2. Elizabeth – She reminds us that nothing is impossible for God (her story in Luke 1:41-44 is parallel to the story of Sarah, as she bears a child in her later years).
1. Mary…of course...is the most memorable mother in all of Scripture. Nothing negative is ever spoken of her in any of the Gospels. It was she who was visited by the angel of the Lord, and was referred to as "Blessed amongst women," and was told that all nations of the world would be blessed because of her. Despite all odds, she bore the Son of God, and remained faithful to her son, Jesus, throughout his entire life. She was told, before anyone else, that the Messiah was about to be born. She harbored in her heart the truths of his spiritual lineage throughout his childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. She initiated the first miracle. She remained near Christ after his disciples fled, and stood at the foot of the cross while they remained in hiding. She was the first to see the empty tomb. She was the first Evangelist, telling the world that Jesus had risen from the dead, and she was present on the Day of Pentecost, and was filled with the Holy Spirit, along with the remaining disciples. Her eyes were always fixed on Jesus, no matter what. May we all aspire to be like her.

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